Dear Applicant,
The general rules, rights, and responsibilities regarding the support services you will receive at our counseling center are outlined below. Please read them carefully, and if you have any questions, feel free to ask your counselor/therapist for information.
- Experiencing mental health issues and seeking help is a natural process in life. The situation you are experiencing should be regarded not merely as a problem but as a period of difficulty in your life during which you are seeking help. Having problems is a natural part of human existence.
- Counseling services are voluntary. As long as you are receiving counseling, it is your responsibility to attend sessions at the scheduled date and time to ensure that the assistance provided is beneficial. Therefore, it is important to arrange the appointment date and time with your counselor. However, if you have a valid reason for not attending a session, you must inform your counselor at least 24 hours in advance to cancel or postpone the appointment. If you do not cancel the session at least 24 hours in advance, you will be required to pay for the session.
- Each session at our center lasts between approximately 30 minutes and 1.5 hours and typically starts and ends on time. The frequency and duration of sessions in the counseling unit will be decided collaboratively by the client and the counselor.
- The privacy of each client is prioritized during the counseling process, and confidentiality is fundamental. What is discussed in the session remains between you and your counselor unless you give permission for it to be shared. However, confidentiality will be breached in cases where there is a mandatory reporting obligation, in situations involving the risk of harm to yourself or others, instances of abuse, or if a subpoena for testimony is received. In such cases, you will be informed beforehand.
- Your counselor can record audio/video only with your consent while keeping your identity and personal information confidential.