Psychological science defines trauma as an experience that leaves significant and effective injury symptoms on the living being in terms of body and soul.
Causes that lead to psychological trauma;
- War and explosions
- Natural disasters
- Harassment, rape
- Accidents
- Domestic violence
- Physical and psychological violence in childhood
We can count a lot of reasons such as. The feelings and conditions that it leaves us psychologically;
- Anxiety disorder
- Insomnia
- Depression
- Desperation
- Dullness
- Pessimism
- Abandonment
- Panic attacks
- Outbursts of anger
- Guilt
- Despair
It causes us to give many emotional reactions such as. If you are experiencing these and similar problems, you can easily solve them with EFT and transform them from negative to positive.
Session Duration : 1,1.5 hours
Session Topic : In the session, work is done on a topic of your choice.