
Free Your Weight with EFT




With EFT, we find and analyse the subconscious beliefs, traumas and emotions that cause weight and then transform them into positive. Many people say that they start dieting on Monday and give up on Tuesday and have difficulty following their diet programmes for a long time. From the EFT perspective, we know that people with chronic, energy body stress cannot continue a programme for a long time. Every programme we start by skipping this fact ends in failure. This is where EFT comes into play.

Chronic energy body stress is caused by

  • Abandonment
  • Stress about appearances,
  • Self-preservation,
  • Harassment – rape,
  • Insecurity,
  • A feeling of emptiness,
  • Stories such as miscarriage-abortion and stillbirths that exist in the body as weight are worked on.

Note about the session: Everyone’s story is different and special. For this reason, we proceed by making a personalised programme.